Installing Raider

The package is available in the Python Package Index, so to install the latest stable release of Raider just use the command pip install --upgrade raider

If you want to build Raider from source, you can do so easily. You will need to do that anyways if you want to contribute.

First start by clonning the repository with git clone

Using a python virtual environment is recommended to avoid weird issues with python incompatibilities when working on the code. However you can still use pip install . in the project’s directory to install the package locally.

Install the virtual environment, install poetry and you can prepare the virtual environment and switch to it to work with Raider:

cd raider
poetry install
poetry shell

And now you’re working inside the virtual environment, and Raider should be available here.

Test it by running raider –help command:

usage: raider [-h] {show,config,new,delete,edit,inspect,run,shell} ...

positional arguments:
    show                Show projects/hyfiles/flows,etc...
    config              Configure raider
    new                 Create new projects and hyfiles
    delete              Delete projects and hyfiles
    edit                Edit projects and hyfiles
    inspect             Inspect Raider configuration
    run                 Run Flow or Flowgraph
    shell               Run commands in an interactive shell

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit