Writing Custom Plugins

In case the existing plugins are not enough, the user can write their own to add the new functionality. Those new plugins should be written in the project’s configuration directory in a “.hy” file. To do this, a new class has to be defined, which will inherit from Raider’s Plugin class:

Let’s assume we want a new plugin that will use unix password store to extract the OTP from our website.

(defclass PasswordStore [Plugin]
;; Define class PasswordStore which inherits from Plugin

  (defn __init__ [self path]
  ;; Initiatialize the object given the path

    (.__init__ (super)
               :name path
               :function (. self run_command)))
  ;; Call the super() class, i.e. Plugin, and give it the
  ;; path as the name identifier, and the function
  ;; self.run_command() as a function to get the value.
  ;; We don't need the response nor the user data to use
  ;; this plugin, so no flags will be set.

  (defn run_command [self]
    (import os)
    ;; We need os.popen() to run the command

    (setv self.value
          ((. ((. (os.popen
                    (+ "pass otp " self.path))
    ;; set self.value to the output from "pass otp",
    ;; with the newline stripped.

    (return self.value)))

And we can create a new variable that will use this class:

(setv mfa_code (PasswordStore "personal/reddit"))

Now whenever we use the mfa_code in our requests, its value will be extracted from the password store.